Leveraging Social influence: Insights to drive growth and engagement in 2024

  For 2024, we examine digital marketing trends, social media influencers, and brands’ shift to business. We delve into how influencer marketing will persist in leveraging, capitalising, and expanding its reach in an ever-evolving and dynamic market. From the rise of ChatGPT and Twitter’s rebrand to X, which disrupted the market in 2023, digital consumers […]

Posted in 09/01/2024 by

Categories: Branding

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For 2024, we examine digital marketing trends, social media influencers, and brands’ shift to business. We delve into how influencer marketing will persist in leveraging, capitalising, and expanding its reach in an ever-evolving and dynamic market.

From the rise of ChatGPT and Twitter’s rebrand to X, which disrupted the market in 2023, digital consumers witnessed numerous shifts in the digital landscape. Users’ engagement on platforms changed, presenting challenges for businesses and brands to keep users engaged and retained. This extended to content and AI capabilities. What does this mean for digital marketers in 2024? A good question…

Content Risk & Reward

Social media management and digital marketing agencies are deriving value from content created by their clients’ customers. User-Generated Content (UGC) encourages customers to share their personal experiences with a brand’s product or service on their social media platforms. This approach has proven to be incredibly effective due to the genuine and relatable nature of “real” people sharing their everyday journeys. Customers showcase product use, share benefits, tips, and tricks, or “hacks.” Interestingly, UGC content creation is now becoming a paid form of marketing, with brands paying or collaborating with influencers to create UGC-style content and add value to their marketing channels.

Distributing the content across email marketing, social media platforms, and more is quite clever. Leveraging influencers’ profiles, both literal and digital, collaborating on contra-like agreements, and gaining brand awareness by aligning the product with the influencer – is it a risk or reward? Well, in all honesty, a bit of both.

Sharing UGC on marketing channels adds authenticity to messaging, creating a sense of value for consumers and leading to increased loyalty and trust. Is it the golden ticket to effective marketing? Potentially not. If an influencer is misaligned with a brand’s products, the perceived reward may backfire, as seen in the case of Kendall Jenner for Pepsi. This highlights the risk in 2024. The more authentic and creative the content, the better it connects with the target audience, and brands not leveraging their power may be left behind. Hello to the dice roll of 2024…

Throughout 2023, consumers became accustomed to mainstream AI, with ChatGPT being the most talked-about artificial intelligence product. Launched in 2022, ChatGPT generated an uptake in AI-written content and made waves across all digital forms of marketing. However, its role in the marketing mix remains uncertain. The question arises: What does this mean for influencer marketing? Does it change the landscape, ushering in the use of AI-generated influencers to market brands, endorse products, and influence consumer purchases?

In recent times, meta launched additional features across the platform, leveraging celebrities like Kendall Jenner, Tom Brady, and Dwayne Johnson to promote these new features. Meta reportedly paid these celebrities millions of dollars for their likeness, each receiving upwards of between $1 million to $5 million.

Questions arise: What does this mean for consumers? Are we going to be fed this form of “Social marketing” to influence our consumer behaviours? Is this the new norm? Not all is lost; AI’s ability to sift through online data to predict emerging trends will help influencers stay ahead, predict trends, and stay up-to-date with content marketing changes. The ability for AI to assess insights and feedback gives influencers the knowledge to analyse resonating content and make adjustments. It’s both interesting and nerve-racking. Right?

So, where to from here? Is AI here to stay? Probably, but more so, to be continued.

Whilst the risk and reward, emerging trends, new features and the ever-evolving social media marketing and influencer marketing industry continues to grow. Undoubtedly, leveraging social influence will drive growth & engagement in 2024; but at what expense? Risk or Reward. Only time will tell.

If you want to learn more, engage in digital trends and be ahead of the pack for 2024, reach out to the team now.

Branding 101: Essentials for Reinvention

The concept of a “brand” is often misunderstood. A brand isn’t simply a logo or a PDF filled with guidelines. It’s a living, breathing entity. It should be fluid and constantly evolving. Brands should change, adapt and grow with a business over time. That being said. All brands need to start somewhere. To give you […]

Posted in 08/01/2024 by

Categories: Branding Design

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The concept of a “brand” is often misunderstood. A brand isn’t simply a logo or a PDF filled with guidelines. It’s a living, breathing entity. It should be fluid and constantly evolving. Brands should change, adapt and grow with a business over time. That being said. All brands need to start somewhere. To give you a helping hand, we’ve identified the key ingredients for a meaningful, distinctive and memorable brand. The first is a strong brand strategy. Then, of course, a logo. And finally, a visual brand language. Combined, you’ve got the three essential elements required to (re)invent your brand.

Brand Strategy

Brand concept

Good brands start with an idea. Not an aesthetic. With the relentless pace of the trend cycle, rooting your brand in something real like an idea or a concept is the best way to ensure longevity.

Building a brand strategy requires you to start with rich and valuable insights about your brand and industry. It also demands empathy and intelligence to truly understand your audience. The process of developing a brand identity involves asking questions to gain a complete understanding of who you want your brand to be. You need to explore: What problem does your brand solve? What is your brand’s motivation? And, what does your end user care about? It also requires you to challenge assumptions and dig deep into the core reason that your business exists. Once you’ve uncovered the what’s who’s and whys, you’ll be better equipped to embark on a brand strategy.

Brand values & personality

Once you’ve had your lightbulb moment and identified the organising idea of your brand, it’s time to explore the brand values and personality. Start by synthesising the insights illuminated during your ideas sessions. Then, you can begin to distil what’s most important into a succinct list of brand values. Your values will inform what your brand says. Your brand’s personality, however, will inform how you say it.

To determine your brand’s personality, you essentially need to decide, if your brand was personified, what would they be like. Would they be moody and creative? Would they be bubbly and bright? Your brand’s personality is the lens through which all communication should be filtered. From your brand’s typeface, to its tag line, to its website design.

Brand name

This is the time to get weird. Why? Because first impressions matter. Distinctive? Memorable? Forgettable? The impression that you make has a lot to do with your brand’s name.

In a space where everyone is trying to stand out it can be difficult to make your voice heard. Whether it’s a newborn brand making its debut into the world or an existing one wanting to shed its past and start fresh. The process of finding your brand’s name is a crucial step in building your brand’s identity.

That’s why when it comes to brand names, our stance is, the weirder the better. With such a big and risky decision as a name, brands tend to stick to the status quo to avoid regret in the long run. Our tip? Remove the safety goggles. Then, what you’ll see is that often, the most memorable brands are the ones that aren’t afraid to take risks. Think about brands like Slack, Apple, Virgin and Google. They took a risk. They went with something a bit weird. That’s what makes them stand out.

Brand voice

Good brands are brands with something to say. They have a point of view. How a brand communicates, whether through visual elements or through words, is at the very heart of who they are. This is why your brand voice should never be an afterthought. It’s a common mistake. Spending all of the time building a brand strategy and designing a visually brilliant brand. The end result? A copywriter in a sea of lorem ipsum, struggling to fill out pre-determined sections of copy.

When you consider the brand voice from the very beginning of the branding journey, the result is different. The brand voice will be infused with the brand’s personality. It will reflect the brand’s values. And, it will help tell the brand’s story.

Brand narrative

An essential element of any successful brand is human connection. Genuine connection is forged through storytelling. Contrary to popular belief, your brand story is not simply your origin story. It’s a compelling and carefully crafted narrative that resonates with your audience. Having an authentic brand story helps evoke emotion, connection and even brand loyalty with your customers. 

While a brand’s strategy gives it direction. A brand’s story gives it purpose. To write a thoughtful and influential brand narrative you need a deep understanding of your audience. Their hopes, dreams, desires and problems. Find a way to connect with them emotionally, while also being authentic to your brand values and personality. Once you get your brand’s story straight, it needs to be implemented effectively. The brand’s story should be understood by every single person in the business. From the CEO, to the designers, to the marketing team to the person manning the front desk.


Clear, concise, and instantly recognisable. Your logo is the culmination of your brand. Today, people are busier and savvier than ever. Outdated and low-quality logos can be the difference between capturing someone’s attention and losing them to a competitor. A good logo encapsulates your brand’s identity into a single mark that is simple, distinctive and relevant. This where all of the legwork you did during the brand strategy really pays off.


Brand colour

Unsurprisingly, here at Orange, we take colour pretty seriously. Choosing a colour to represent your brand is not a decision that should be made lightly. In some cases, it could be the difference between success and failure. Gone are the days of blue for corporate and red for fast food. In today’s oversaturated marketplace, every element of your brand is an opportunity to stand out. Colour is no exception.

When choosing a brand colour, one strategy is to look at what your competitors are doing and simply do the opposite. Just look at Up Bank. In a sea of banking brands choosing blue for trust and green for cash, they went rogue with a vibrant coral orange.

Once you’ve selected a brand colour, our advice is to pick and stick. Just look how well it’s worked for Tiffany and Co. Choosing the right brand colour, and sticking with it, is a key ingredient for creating a memorable, and even iconic, brand.


A typeface is a prime example of why the visual elements of a brand should be rooted in the brand’s strategy. It’s why investing time and resources into developing a thoughtful and comprehensive brand identity will set you up for success. 

By delving into your brand’s ethos, values and personality, you can select a typeface that perfectly encapsulates who your brand is and what it wants to say. Contemporary or classic. Quirky or cool. Creative or highly technical. Through sharp lines, bold curves or wonky shapes, the right typeface can communicate your brand’s personality and complement your brand’s voice.

Shapes & Imagery

An extension of your visual brand language is the graphic elements and imagery style. Why is this important? Well, meaningful graphic elements extracted from your brand’s visual identity can be used to create a consistent brand language. Used effectively, strong visual guidelines will aid in building awareness for your brand as well as becoming memorable in the minds of your audience. This brand language can be used across everything your brand does, from your website to your marketing materials, to ensure your brand is instantly recognisable.

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Jeff Bezos

The process of creating, or recreating a brand, can be painful, uncomfortable and down-right unpleasant. It’s no wonder that so few rebrands are done in house. Leaning on an agency to guide you through the journey eases the pain of rapid, and sometimes drastic, change and makes the experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. If you want a brand that is unique, compelling and gets people talking, team up with the experts.

Orange Digital is an agency that not only talks the talk. We also walk the walk. If you want to see what we’ve whipped up for our very own rebrand, check out more of our new website.